J.k. Rowling and R.L. Stone are both ready hunger games . J.k. Reads 35 pages every 2 hours and R.L. Reads 45 pages every 3 hours . what is the rate of change for each reader ?

Answer:The rate of change for each reader is :For J K Rowling :  17 and a half pages per hourFor R L Stone :  15   pages  per hourStep-by-step explanation:Here the reading rate of each reader is given as:J.K. Reads 35 pages every 2 hours.So, the number of pages read by J K  in 2 hours  = 35 pages⇒ The number of pages read per hour  =  35 / 2  = 17 . 5 pagesSo, the pages read by J K Rowling in 1 hour is 17 and a half pages.R L Stone reads 45 pages every 3 hours.So, the number of pages read by R L  in 3 hours  = 45 pages⇒ The number of pages read per hour  =  45 / 3  = 15 pagesSo, the pages read by R L Stone in 1 hour is 15 pages.Hence, the rate of change for each reader is :For J K Rowling :  17 and a half pages  per hourFor R L Stone :  15   pages  per hour
general 4 months ago 3907