Izzy gets a loan of $2,800 with an APR of 3.5% . She will repay the loan in monthly payments for 9 months. To find the total amount of interest she will pay, Izzy uses an online calculator. What are the correct numbers she should enter?

First, change percent into decimal value
Percent means per hundred
APR = 3.5%
APR = 3.5/100
APR = 0.035
The APR is 0.035 of the total loan

Second, we need to find interest rate for 9 months
interest rate = 9/12 × 0.035
interest rate = 3/4 × 0.035
interest rate = 0.75 × 0.035

Third, determine what to put into calculator
She can put it like this
interest = interest rate × total loan
interest = 0.75 × 0.035 × 2,800

Or she can put it like this
interest = 0.02625 × 2,800
general 9 months ago 8847