Imagine that you are in an electronics store and you want to calculate the final price of a product after applying a discount. The product you are interested in has an original price of $1000 MN, but, for today, the store offers a 25% discount on all its products. Develop an algorithm that allows you to calculate the final price you will pay, but first point out the elements.

1. **Original Price$$ (\(P_{\text{original}}\))$$:** This is the initial price of the product before the discount is applied. In this case, $$\(P_{\text{original}} = \$1000\).$$ 2. **Discount Rate ((r)):** This is the percentage of the discount. In this case, (r = 25%), which can be represented as a decimal as (0.25). 3. **Final Price $$(\(P_{\text{final}}\)):$$** This is the price you will pay after the discount is applied. This is what we want to calculate. Now, let's develop an algorithm to calculate the final price: Algorithm: 1. Read the original price $$\(P_{\text{original}}\).$$ 2. Read the discount rate (r) (as a decimal). 3. Calculate the discount amount ((D)): $$ \[D = P_{\text{original}} \times r\]$$ 4. Calculate the final price $$(\(P_{\text{final}}\)):$$ $$ \[P_{\text{final}} = P_{\text{original}} - D\]$$ 5. Display or output $$\(P_{\text{final}}\).$$ For example, applying this algorithm to the given scenario: 1.$$ \(P_{\text{original}} = \$1000\)$$ 2. (r = 0.25) (since 25% is represented as 0.25 in decimal form) Using the algorithm: 3. Calculate the discount amount: $$ \[D = \$1000 \times 0.25 = \$250\]$$ 4. Calculate the final price: $$ \[P_{\text{final}} = \$1000 - \$250 = \$750\]$$ 5. Display or output $$\(P_{\text{final}} = \$750\).$$ So, after applying a 25% discount, the final price you will pay is $750.
general 6 months ago 2525