how many triangles can be constructed with angles measuring 25 degree, 25, degree and 130A) NoneB) OneC) More than one

Answer: Option (C) More than one

All triangles must satisfy the following condition:

"The sum of all the angles of a triangle should be 180°."

25° + 25° + 130° = 180° (The condition of a triangle is satisfied.)

HOWEVER, keeping angles the same as above, we can construct "More than one" triangles by varying the lengths of a triangle.

For example:
By keep the three angles of a triangle 25°, 25° and 130°, the triangle with the three sides of lengths 10, 10, 18.13 (respectively) is same as the triangle with the three sides of lengths 1, 1, 1.81 (respectively). Likewise, you can construct infinite number of triangles. Therefore, the correct option is "(C) More than one."
general 6 months ago 3226