HELP ASAP: IDK WTH THIS IS. It was explained to me but, I understood nothing.

A’ight so let me explain that to you. What you are looking on is a graph. The vertical axis of your graph represents sales and horizontal axis of your graph represents time so the graph shows sales dependency on time.

First of all you will need to figure out what are your variables. Usually they are placed under or from side of each axis but in your graph they aren’t so you will need to logically assume that [tex]t[/tex] stands for time in your questions and [tex]t \in \mathbb{R}[/tex] (that means [tex]t[/tex] is any number in the domain of reals which is the domain of any integer or decimal number).

In your graph there are given multiple points which are [tex]A[/tex], [tex]B[/tex], [tex]C[/tex] and [tex]D.[/tex] They represent the border of each section respectively: development, introduction, growth, maturity and decline. If you take a look you will figure out that every previous point of each point is the beginning of the fragment, i.e. [tex](0; \ A)[/tex] is the range for development stage, [tex](A; \ B)[/tex] is the range for introduction stage, etc.

The question A asks us the stage and income expected for all [tex]t < A[/tex]. To figure that out you will have to take a look at the graph’s horizontal axis and find a segment of the line where time is less than [tex]A[/tex] and this segment will stand for development stage. Next you will need to take a look on the curve line in that segment. As you can see the company starts to get some sales however they are insignificant and thus that will be the answer.

The question B asks us the stage and income expected in the range of [tex](C; \ D)[/tex]. You will need to find two points [tex]C[/tex] and [tex]D.[/tex] Those points represent the time border of the maturity stage. The sales during that period as seen on the graph are firstly starting to grow but eventually they start to fall thus that will be the answer.

The question C asks us to find the greatest growth in sales. To do so you will need to find the highest place of the curve and determine in which segment is it. As seen on the graph, the greatest growth in sales occurs at the end of the maturity stage thus that will be the answer.

The question D asks us to determine what will happen with the sales when time is in range of [tex](D; \ \infty).[/tex] As seen on the graph the sales will begin to fall thus that will be the answer.

Hope that my explaination will help you to understand the problem and you will be able to solve it on your own next time.
general 9 months ago 4317