Express the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis in symbolic form. The owner of a football team claims that the average attendance at games is over 63,500 , and he is therefore justified in moving the team to a city with a larger stadium.

Answer:[tex]H_{0}: \mu \leq 63500\\H_A: \mu > 63500[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:We are given the following in the question:The owner of a football team claims that the average attendance at games is over 63,500.He wants to justify that the team needs to be moved to a larger stadium outside the city.If the attendance is larger than 63,500 the team would be moved to a larger stadium and if it is less than or equal to 63,500 that it would not.Thus, the null and alternate hypothesis will be designed as:[tex]H_{0}: \mu \leq 63500\\H_A: \mu > 63500[/tex]The null hypothesis says that the average attenders is equal to or less than 63,500 and alternate supports the claim that the attenders average is greater than 63,500.
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