Deepak found that G has a measure of 50° and FH is 18.3 centimeters long. Does he need to continue measuring sides and angles of triangle FGH and why? No, he knows that the triangles are congruent because there are corresponding sides and angles that are congruent.No, he knows that the triangles are not congruent because those measurements are not equal to the corresponding parts of triangle MNP.Yes, he must verify that the other two side lengths and the other two angle measures are the same as those found in triangle MNP.Yes, he must only verify that the other two angle measures are the same as those found in triangle MNP.

The correct answer for the problem shown above is the third option, which is shown below:

 - Yes, he must verify that the other two side lengths and the other two angle measures are the same as those found in triangle MNP.

 The explanation is:

 1. By definition, two triangles are congruent if the three sides are equal and the three angles are equal.

 2. Therefore, Deepak need to know the other lengths of the sides of the triangle and the others angles to know if they are congruent or not.

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