Choose the best description for the real number 34 over 3. Irrational, because it is a fraction Irrational, because it is a repeating decimal Rational, because it is a fraction Rational, because it is a terminating decimal

Answer:  The correct option is(C) Rational, because it is a fraction.Step-by-step explanation:  We are given to choose the best description for the real number 34 over 3.The given real number can be written as :[tex]f=\dfrac{34}{3}.[/tex]We know thata number of the form [tex]\dfrac{p}{q},~q\neq 0[/tex] is a rational number. That is, a fraction with non zero denominator is a rational number.Since the given number can be written as a fraction, so it is a rational number.Thus, option (C) is CORRECT.
general 6 months ago 1516