Calculate the Superwidth of a given highway, considering the data below: Data: Vp = 50 km/h Rc =480m Use an SU truck as the Standard vehicle

Given data: Vp (operating speed) = 50 km/h Rc (turning radius) = 480 meters To calculate the superwidth, we can use the following formula: Superwidth = W + 2 * Rc * tan(Δ/2) Where: W is the width of the road. Rc is the turning radius of the vehicle. Δ is the maximum angle of turn of the vehicle. For an SU truck, the maximum angle of turn (Δ) is typically taken as 30 degrees (0.5236 radians). This is a common standard for design vehicles. Let's calculate it: Δ = 0.5236 radians Superwidth = W + 2 * 480 meters * tan(0.2615 radians) Now, we need to convert the operating speed (Vp) from km/h to m/s, since tan(Δ/2) is dimensionless: Vp = 50 km/h = (50 * 1000) m/3600 s ≈ 13.89 m/s Now, calculate tan(0.5236 radians): tan(0.2618 radians) ≈ 0.267 Now, plug these values into the formula: Superwidth = W + 2 * 480 meters * 0.267 ≈ W + 257.23 meters So, the superwidth of the given highway is approximately W + 257.23 meters, where W is the width of the road in meters. You'll need to provide the width of the road to calculate the exact superwidth.
general 6 months ago 1406