Calculate the average rate of change for the graphed sequence from n = 1 to n = 5. (2 points)graphed sequence showing point 1, 2, point 2, 5, point 3, 8, point 4, 11, point 5, 14, and point 6, 17A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 9

Answer: option B. 3


The average rate of change only takes into account the starting point and the end point.

For n = 1 to n = 5, the end point is (5, 14) and the starting point is (1, 2).

The formula is:

                                           change on the output     
average rate of change = ------------------------------- =
                                           change on the input            
      end output - starting output         14 - 2     12      
=  --------------------------------------- =     ---------- =  ----- = 3
      end input - starting input              5 - 1        4

Answer: option B. 3
general 6 months ago 3495