Brainly.comWhat is your question?Middle SchoolMathematics 5+3 ptsA company did a quality check on all the packs of nuts it manufactured. Each pack of nuts is targeted to weigh 18.25 oz. A pack must weigh within 0.36 oz of the target weight to be accepted. What is the range of rejected masses, x, for the manufactured nuts.x < 17.89 or x > 18.61 because |x – 18.25| > 0.36x < 17.89 or x > 18.61 because |x – 0.36| + 18.25 > 0x < 18.25 or x > 18.61 because |x – 18.25| > 0.36x < 18.25 or x > 18.61 because |x – 0.36| + 18.25 > 0

the answer is a, because the absolute value of x(the actual weight of the product) minus the target weight of 18.25 needs to be greater that the target weight difference of .36 so that it is outside the range.  So basically, any number outside of the range will be correct.You can plug in number that you know are in/ out of the acceptable range of numbers for this problem in.  
18.62 is not in range.

general 6 months ago 2540