Average Weekly Earnings The average weekly earnings in dollars for various industries are listed below. Find the percentile rank of each value. Round to the nearest whole percentile. 459, 451, 490, 580, 453, 841, 687, 514 the percentile rank of the value 490 is

To find the percentile rank of the value 490, you can use the following formula: Percentile Rank = (Number of Values Below the Given Value / Total Number of Values) * 100 1. First, sort the data in ascending order: ``` 451, 453, 459, 490, 514, 580, 687, 841 ``` 2. Now, count the number of values below 490 in the sorted list. There are 3 values below 490 (451, 453, and 459). 3. Calculate the percentile rank using the formula: Percentile Rank = (3 / 8) * 100 Percentile Rank β‰ˆ 37.5% So, the percentile rank of the value 490 is approximately 37.5%, rounded to the nearest whole percentile.
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