An airline sells all tickets for a certain route at the same price. if it charges 250 dollars per ticket it sells 5000 tickets. for every 5 dollars the ticket price is reduced, an extra 500 tickets are sold. it costs the airline a hundred dollars to fly a person. what price will generate the greatest profit for the airline?

let's look at the demand quantity as a function of price. Th problem tells us that q(250)= 500
the rate of change of q is a constant, thus, q is a line whose slope is -500/5=-100 tickets/ dollar.
therefore we shall have:

the revenue for each price will be:

next we get the total cost which is:
100×q, where q is the number of people who will fly.
but q=30000-100p

the profit will be:
this will be written in quadratic form as:
next we find p that maximizes the profit function
when you take the derivative of the above, the maximum point will be at p=200, this will give us the profit of:

general 9 months ago 3405