Alex is trying to start a savings plan. The following graph represents his projected savings over the next 12 months. How much money will he have saved by the sixteenth month? Graph with months on the x axis and money saved in dollars on the y axis. Graph shows a line hitting points (0, 100), (4, 300), (8, 500), and (12, 700) $700 $800 $900 $1000


First, we will get the equation representing the graph as follows:
The general form of the linear equation is:
y = mx + c
m is the slope of the line
c is the y-intercept (value of y at x = 0)

From the graph, we can deduce that c = 100

Therefore, the equation now becomes:
y = mx + 100

Now, let's get the slope as follows:
slope = (y2-y1) / (x2-x1)
Using the points (4,300) and (8,500), we can substitute in the equation to get the slope as follows:
slope = (500-300) / (8-4) = 50

Therefore, the equation of the line is:
y = 50x + 100

Finally, we want to get the amount of dollars (y) that will be saved by the 16th month (x).
This means that we will substitute with x = 16 in the above equation and calculate the corresponding value of y as follows:
y = 50x + 100
y = 50(16) + 100
y = $900

Hope this helps :)
general 6 months ago 9004