a truck that can carry no more than 6400 lb is being used to transport refrigerators and upright pianos. Each refrigerator weighs 250 lb and each piano weighs 475 lb. Write and graph an inequality to show how many refrigerators and how many pianos that truck could carry . WIll 12 refridgerators and 8 pianos overload the truck? Explain.

I'm not going to do the entire question, but I'll do the first part.

For the first part, you have to set up an inequality. Use context clues, such as no more than (the one used in this sentence) to figure out what the symbol should be for the inequality.
In this case, because it is NO MORE THAN 6400, it would be:

6400[tex] \leq[/tex]250r + 475p

where r represents the # refrigerators, and p represents the # pianos

Now that you have the equation, make the graph, then for the 3rd part, plug in 12 and 8 to r and p to see if it keeps the inequality true.

Hope this helps! :)
general 9 months ago 5745