A teacher collects data on the number of hours, s, his students spend studying and the number of hours, t, they spend watching TV each day. He finds that there is a negative linear association between s and t that is best modeled by the equation s=−0.5t+3.6 . What is the meaning of 3.6 in this equation?A. According to the model, for each additional hour spent watching TV, a student will spend about 3.6 fewer hours studying.B. The model suggests that students study about 3.6 hours each day.C. According to the model, a student who does not watch TV studies about 3.6 hours each day.D. The model predicts that students watch about 3.6 hours of TV each day.

The answer is B. The model suggests that students study about 3.6 hours each day
general 9 months ago 6717