A store is offering 25% off all shoes. Declan purchases shoes and clothes. The expression representing his total cost (including 8% tax) is c + (1 - 0.25)s + 0.08[c + (1 - 0.25s]. Which term represents the cost of the shoes after the discount

Answer:39.5 = tax represents the cost of shoes after the discountStep-by-step explanation:c=(1- 0.25)+0.08 [c+(1-0.25s] +8% taxc= costs=shoes1- 0.25=0.75+0.08= $0.83 c=$0.83[0.83+(1-0.25s]1-0.25=0.750.83+0.75 =$1.58                     x 25                       ___                       39.5 = tax represents the cost of shoes after the discount                      Correct me if i'm wrong :-D
general 5 months ago 7148