A forrest ranger wants to determine the radius of the trunk of a tree. She measures the circumference to be 8.6 feet. What is the trunk's radius to the nearest tenth foot?

Answer:As per the given statement: A forest ranger wants to determine the radius of the trunk of a tree. She measures the circumference to be 8.6 feet.Shape of the trunk of a tree is circle.Use the circumference formula:[tex]C = 2\pi r[/tex]where C is the circumference of a circle and r is the radius of a circle.Solve for r;Given: C = 8.6 feet and use [tex]\pi = 3.14[/tex]Substitute the given value we get;[tex]8.6 = 2 \times 3.14 \times r[/tex]Simplify:[tex]8.6 = 6.28r[/tex]Divide both sides by 6.28 we get;r = 1.6942675 feetTherefore, the trunk's radius to the nearest tenth foot is, 1.4 ft
general 6 months ago 4633