50 points!!! will mark brainliest for correct answer!!The first part of the table below shows the relationship of the average number of days of sunlight a certain type of tree gets per year and the height of the tree. The second part of the table shows the amount of fruit the tree bears.Sunlight Exposure, Height, and Fruit Yield of a Certain Type of tree.If two scatter plots are created to compare the two sets of data, which variable would be the independent variable?A. Number of Days of Sunlight (per year)B. Height of Tree (in.)C Amount of Fruit (lb)D. Type of Fruit Tree

Answer:A. Number of Days of Sunlight (per year) Step-by-step explanation:The independent variable is the variable that causes the dependent variable to change.In this situation, the number of days of sunlight will cause the height of the tree to change.  Additionally, the number of days of sunlight will cause the amount of fruit on the tree to change.
general 6 months ago 2546