5 Points, Time Limit, Brainliest, Please don't spam, Thanks!The table shows the number of skirts of different colors in a closet. A fair coin is shown below the table. Color of Skirt Number Yellow 5 Blue 8 Green 4 Pink 3 A coin Maria selects a skirt from the closet randomly without looking and then tosses the fair coin. What is the probability that she will select a yellow skirt and that the coin will land tails up? 1 over 20 1 over 10 1 over 8 1 over 5

The awnser is 1/8
There are 20 different and 5 of them are yellow. 1/4 of them are yellow
1/2 chance of the coin have tails up
1/4 Γ— 1/2 = 1/8
hope it helps
general 9 months ago 3955