What is the multiplicative rate of change for the exponential function fx=2 5/2 -x ? 0.4 0.6 1.5 2.5

What is the multiplicative rate of change for the exponential function fx=2 5/2 -x ? 0.4 0.6 1.5 2.5
Write properties of function: x intercept/zero: noy intercept: y = 2domain: (-\infty, \infty)type of function: exponential functionrange: (0, \infty)even/odd/neither: neitherhorizontal asymptotes: y = 0end behavior: as x→\infty,f(x)→0 as x→-\infty,f(x)→\inftyexponential growth/decay: exponential decayincreasing interval: nodecreasing interval: (-\infty, \infty)graph: https://p16-ehi-va.gauthmath.com/tos-maliva-i-ejcjvp0zxf-us/517b2c3eba9142e9afcab851fbae29fd~tplv-ejcjvp0zxf-scale:800:800.png
algebra 9 months ago 1860