Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write youl answer on a blank. _1. Which is the LCD of 13/70 , 11/21 , 6/15 A.1050 B. 210 C. 105 D. 70 _2. What is the sum of 1/10 + 2/100 + 3/1000 ? A. 123/100 B. 123/1000 C. 123/1000 D. 123/100000 _3. What is the sum of 2 1/9 and 11 13/18 ? A. 14 5/18 B. 13 1/8 C. 9 5/18 D. 9 13/18 _4. Subtract and simplify: What is 1/8 - 1/12 in simplest form? A, 1/48 B. 1/24 C. 2/49 D. 3/5 _5. How many thirds can be obtained from 368 A, 21 B.28 C. 72 D.108 _6. Five - sixths of a number is 35. What is 1/3 of the number? A. 7 B.14 C.21 D. 42 _7. I have P 1000. I paid half of it for a shirt. I paid 1/5 of the remaining money for a pair of socks. How much change will I receive? A.500 B.200 C. 250 D.400 _8. What is the sum of 28.634, 4.56 and 1.0948 A. 27.0047 B. 27.0704 C. 27.0407 D. 27.1740 9. For the charity drive, five classes gave these amounts: P 1 034.20, _P 815.50, P 756.80, P 1 237.10, and P 609.45. How much was the total collection& A. P 4 435.05 B. P 4 451,05 C. P 4 453.05 D. P 4 463.05 _10. What is the product of 1 000 and 4.23? A.4.23 B. 42.3 C.423 D.4230 _11. By what number should you multiply 0.7512 to get 75.12? A. 10 B.100 C. 1000 D.10 000

Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write youl answer on a blank. _1. Which is the LCD of 13/70 , 11/21 , 6/15 A.1050 B. 210 C. 105 D. 70 _2. What is the sum of 1/10 + 2/100 + 3/1000 ? A. 123/100 B. 123/1000 C. 123/1000 D. 123/100000 _3. What is the sum of 2 1/9 and 11 13/18 ? A. 14 5/18 B. 13 1/8 C. 9 5/18 D. 9 13/18 _4. Subtract and simplify: What is 1/8 - 1/12 in simplest form? A, 1/48 B. 1/24 C. 2/49 D. 3/5 _5. How many thirds can be obtained from 368 A, 21 B.28 C. 72 D.108 _6. Five - sixths of a number is 35. What is 1/3 of the number? A. 7 B.14 C.21 D. 42 _7. I have P 1000. I paid half of it for a shirt. I paid 1/5 of the remaining money for a pair of socks. How much change will I receive? A.500 B.200 C. 250 D.400 _8. What is the sum of 28.634, 4.56 and 1.0948 A. 27.0047 B. 27.0704 C. 27.0407 D. 27.1740 9. For the charity drive, five classes gave these amounts: P 1 034.20, _P 815.50, P 756.80, P 1 237.10, and P 609.45. How much was the total collection& A. P 4 435.05 B. P 4 451,05 C. P 4 453.05 D. P 4 463.05 _10. What is the product of 1 000 and 4.23? A.4.23 B. 42.3 C.423 D.4230 _11. By what number should you multiply 0.7512 to get 75.12? A. 10 B.100 C. 1000 D.10 000
(1) \dfrac{233}{210}(2) \dfrac{233}{210}(3) \dfrac{83}{6}(4) \dfrac{83}{6}(5) \dfrac{83}{6}
algebra 6 months ago 9292