1. The base of a cylinder or a cone has a shape. 2. are three-dimensional figures that enclose part of space. is the set of all points in space that are the same 3 A distance from a given point called center. 4、 A_has one base, it's other faces are triangles. 5. The volume of any pyramid is_the product of the area of the base and its height. 6. The : is the amount of space it encloses. 7. A has two circular bases that are congruent and parallel. 8. Some space figures have flat surfaces called 9. A point where edges intersect is called 10.A_has one circular base and a vertex.

1. The base of a cylinder or a cone has a shape. 2. are three-dimensional figures that enclose part of space. is the set of all points in space that are the same 3 A distance from a given point called center. 4、 A_has one base, it's other faces are triangles. 5. The volume of any pyramid is_the product of the area of the base and its height. 6. The : is the amount of space it encloses. 7. A has two circular bases that are congruent and parallel. 8. Some space figures have flat surfaces called 9. A point where edges intersect is called 10.A_has one circular base and a vertex.
1. The base of a cylinder or a cone has a shape. 2. are three-dimensional figures that enclose part of space. is the set of all points in space that are the same 3 A distance from a given point called center. 4、 A_has one base, it's other faces are triangles. 5. The volume of any pyramid is_the product of the area of the base and its height. 6. The : is the amount of space it encloses. 7. A has two circular bases that are congruent and parallel. 8. Some space figures have flat surfaces called 9. A point where edges intersect is called 10.A_has one circular base and a vertex. 65047d2ed2547.webp
algebra 5 months ago 7979